About us

Who we are and how it started
Supply-Graph logo. Industry 4.0

A word from the founder.

Before the creation of the company in 2022, I was a purchasing manager in a large organisation that had to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak.

During the pandemic, our teams were unable to travel to our suppliers sites but we still had to deliver parts on quality and on time. To manage this situation, we started building an unique database connecting what was available internally: ERP, QMS, mail, etc.. It allowed us to gain partial visibility on our supply chain, direct and indirect. This first step was the groundwork to later simplify and digitalise our internal workflows and processes.

From that point on, we were able to anticipate most of the short-term issues we faced with great reactivity.

Then, I took the initiative to push this logic a bit further and recreate - from public sources - the whole network of aircraft manufacturers based on their production capabilities.
This saved us hundreds of hours in research and allowed us to target the best company for a given task in less than 30 seconds. It was around this period that we realised the potential of such a tool. Not only for a supply chain manager but also for any sales or quality department.

And by sharing the same level of information across the whole value chain, we could identify local opportunities and smooth the relationship between companies: no more panicked calls or redundant emails requests. 
Everyone would refer to the same source of trust.

What it means to your company.

Before being consultants, we were doing the same job as you do. We know your struggles with your suppliers, customers or co-workers.
Your company will benefit from our past experience on digitalisation and supply-chain management on complex projects.  We have tried dozens of approaches and have a good understanding of what works, what does not and why.
Whether you are a large organisation or a small company, we can adapt our methodology.

We are not here to sell you our services at all cost, we are here to solve problems.
If we can help you we will. If we can't we will tell you.

Supply- Graph  comes from the contraction of supply-chain management and the graph theory in computer science.
Where we strive to bring you the best of both worlds and as a reminder to never neglect one for the other.

Our team

The company is young and we are recruiting.
If you are interested into a position, let us know.
Romuald Sobalski, CEO
Romuald Sobalski

10+ years in supply chain management in aerospace
Specialised in production purchasing
Experienced in quality management (NDT level 2)
- Data engineer certified -
Started building the IT tools my team needed when I was a purchasing manager. Helped our quality department automate their KPIs and never stopped since.

Bastien Freiburger
& cto

8+ years in software industry or metrology
Experienced developer back end and web development
Background in quality systems
At ease with databases and redundant systems (cloud or on premises through Docker).

Logos French Fab & French Tech

Working with us

You have a curious mindset and like solving problems ?
Contact us